(PM) Re: 3.8b17 fix

Olaf Klein (oklein@smallo.ruhr.de)
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 11:35:44 +0200 (CEST)

> I've been very pleased with b17. Even with it's few quirks, Livingston beta
> code is still better than the production code most of others are putting out.

But the Slip-Bug is, in opposite to the Beta-Announce, still not fixed.
And I had (using 3.7.2 again) had many calls from customers who didn't get
a clean connect, I had a *lot* of lines in my syslog like these:

Jun 25 21:05:39 in-ruhr radius[25340]: auth: access-request from socks
( denied for unknown user de@@E9<!4
Jun 25 21:06:59 in-ruhr radius[25517]: auth: access-request from socks
( denied for unknown user @E9<!,
Jun 25 21:07:21 in-ruhr radius[25769]: auth: access-request from socks
( denied for unknown user "5%P?wwwruhrde@@E9<!'
Jun 25 21:07:41 in-ruhr radius[25796]: auth: access-request from socks
( denied for unknown user 5jwwwruhrderuhrde@@EA<!

Bye, Olaf

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