(PM) If you want a new BETA *now* read this.

Mike Carlson (mike@net-quest.com)
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 02:48:08 -0700 (PDT)

Normally I just kind of lurk about in the shadows, but after days and
days of posts from people demanding that a new BETA be released *now* I
just had to finally say something. I'm going to be intentionally vague in
spots since I'm sure if Lucent wanted everyone to have more specific info
they would provide it (and it's not my place to do so for them).

I am currently using a recent BETA (b16/something) on one PM3...a
production box...not because I want to but because I have a WAN card (and
frame relay) and b15 is the minimum rev I can run. Like many of you with
b15 I started getting a large number of complaints from people who could
not connect, so Lucent agreed to let me test the new b16 on that box. My
complaints went to zero after the upgrade. YAY. But it had a dreaded side
effect (and here is where I'm not going to go into things since it is an
open issue), which has cost me three customers in the past two weeks (with
one or two ready to go). (Before someone calls me an idiot for leaving the
code in place for that long let me just add that I did it so that I could
gather debugging info to help solve the problem and while it bothers me
it was a risk I took.)

I'm not saying that everyone using b16 is having this problem, I
don't know, but from my personal experience I am happy that Lucent is not
releasing this code to you. You should be happy Lucent is not releasing
this code to you. I assure you that all of you complaining now would
complain ten times louder if Lucent caved and allowed you to load this
software onto your PM3's and then have the results I have had.

Lucent is working with me to get this corrected and I am sure that
they are working as hard with the others running b16 so that they can have
another *stable* public BETA release ASAP. They are very concerned with
the quality of the product they put out and I respect them for taking the
time to get it right. Better late than broken.


P.S. I've got some debugging info for support, so expect my call. ;)

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