Re: (PM) Stable v.90 (fwd)

Larry Vaden (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 17:14:06 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: MegaZone <>
To: PortMaster Users <>
Date: Monday, June 15, 1998 3:53 PM
Subject: (PM) Stable v.90 (fwd)

|Once upon a time Robert H. Clugston shaped the electrons to say...
|>When will v.90 be stable, my customers are getting very angry.
|Here we go again...
|It will be stable as soon as they get the bugs out. Ie, it will be when it
|will be.
|"The winner is photgraphed winning, because he is *photographed* winning."
|Place the quote...


Your input is always appreciated, but the point is a well capitalized and
chosen software team should be able to produce an improved beta in far less
than 60 days, especially wrt the broken v.34 stuff. It must be **** going
home without the satisfaction of finding a bug whose fix is worthy of a new
release of the beta.

Stable is a good objective, but timely incremental improvement is ALSO.

I don't care if the beta sequence number goes up by one for each bug
exterminated `[8-)) -- we could then wear tshirts saying "I survived xxx
bugs in the PM3".

And I've remained silent on the expectations of Lucent/Livingston for
backwards compatibility testing with various modems before releasing code,
whether it is the current release we are speaking of or any of the ones in
the past.

They couldn't get away with this in the telco business.

And I presume Lucent/Livingston will be the last to offer ISPs XDSL

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