Fw: (PM) Stable v.90

Thomas C Kinnen (tkinnen@creativeanime.com)
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 18:34:23 -0400

>Gotta love THIS bs from Lucent....
> "ISPs using Lucent's remote access equipment will now be able to
> support 3Com's V.90 modems," said Steve Willens, president of...."
>So much for truth in press releases :) Well, I guess it's true if you
>ignore the fact that it's BETA code.

Well, it is true (Lucent's statement). I have both Lucent and 3Com V.90
users with no problems. Just no Rockwell V.90. Yes, it is beta code and
there are some V.34 problems but for us a simple e-mail saying if you have a
modem that is having problems here are a few things to try and if you are
not sure about these call us. To date we have lost 0, None, Nada, Zip
customers over this. I will admit we have a small customer base as we on
purpose do not try to get other then our business accounts (and push ISDN
and OR's for them)and do not try to match prices with other ISPs (local
electric co is $12 monthly unlimited). To date 97% of our losses are from
people going North for the summer and more then half of them keep E-Mail
only accounts to be forwarded to their summer ISPs.

Thomas Kinnen - tkinnen@sobhrach.com - tkinnen@creativeanime.com
Note the new E-Mail Addresses. tkinnen@usacomputers.net will work for a few
more months.

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