(PM) Re: Portmaster Users Digest V98 #166

Deid Reimer (deid@drsol.com)
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 08:12:33 -0700

Right - Bankladesh Saskatchewan, about 230 km NNE of Saskatoon - or did you
mean the other one:

PraDeshta Limited (PRADESHTA-DOM)
Ground Floor, House 50/I, Road 1,
Dhaka, Dhaka 1213


Deid Reimer

> From: Jon List <jonlist@flanet.com>
> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:09:50 -0400
> Subject: RE: (PM) ISP SETUP (fwd)
> At 02:06 PM 6/12/98 +0600, you wrote:
> >well, how about trying to use PM3's in a country that doesn't have
> >'nothing but analog POTS connection on the subscribers side?
> >
> >Just because in your region you have digital infrastructure doesn't mean
> >you're at the center of the world.
> >
> >=samudra=
> >bangladesh
> Canada has Cable Modems, so I would imagine they have PRI (i know someone
> in canada that uses ISDN where he works..so they have BRI, PRI shouldn't be
> a problem..) :) , if not then he should be using PM2's for sure.. :) In
> fact.. I still have analong lines being serviced by PM2's and Total Control
> MP's..we're a small outfit and didn't have the cash to plunk down on the
> installation of any additional PRI quite yet, and an additional PM3. I
> wanna get the rest of this analog stuff out of service.
Deid Reimer
Horizon Net Technical Director and Postmaster
deid@drsol.com, http://www.horizon.bc.ca/ 250 361-4410

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