Re: (PM) v.90 code (fwd) [Megazone's 2c]

Frank Heinzius (
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 10:27:25 +0200


On 10 Jun 98, at 10:58, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Paul Popper shaped the electrons to say...
> > - OSPF over WAN links
> That's been there a long time. Perhaps you mean OSPF over demand links.
> > - SLIP (I never heard why that was dropped from the beta)
> It wasn't dropped, it was broken - an error. Being a beta, don't run it
> if you don't like it. They've said it will be fixed.

It's broken since ComOS 3.7.2 came out. All versions before 3.7.2c3 with the k56flex were
unusable. Therefore *all* of my customers have to use 3.7.2c3 and above. Some want SLIP,
and they don't have it for more than half a year. This is bullshit.

> >The Lucent/Livingston policy of refusing to give an ETA smells a
> >bit. Paul.
> Is anyone stupid enough to believe giving a date will change ANYTHING? That

Yes. But please don't call my customers stupid. End-customers often ask for time lines,
and they are used to things like that from other vendors. This is business, man. And
don't argue, that Lucent is a small bunch of freaky engineers. I'm working for an
official distributor of Livingston/Lucent. Lucent employees want to know the reasons why
sales decrease, customers are unsatisfied and so on. So, if the manufacturer wants
professional business, then they have to act professional!
I don't want to blame Lucent here. I want to blame people with statements like Megazone
did. Sorry, the times are over where we only want to have fun. We have to work for our
money, and customers pay a lot, and so they demand a lot. What's wrong with that?

> is ready. If you can't live without dates, you are using the wrong vendor.
> End of story.

This is *your* opinion, and not that of Lucent, AFAIK ;-)
Most of us are doing *real business (tm)*. A end customer has the right to ask "ok, you
don't have V.90 for Europe ready. No problem. Tell me, when will it be ready?"
Do you know what I have to tell them? "Sorry, Idunno. Lucent tells me nothing."
Even if you say "It will be ready in Q4/98", this is better than just saying "when it's
So, overthink your attitude. I lose customers due to the above attitude. I don't accept
this. Who else would? Especially in Germany, Livingston loses market shares.
We do our best to sell Lucent products, and we have a lot of success here! But what I
don't want to see are attitude like yours as official policy. Please remember, our
companies are PARTNERS.

> If you have a bug to report, report it. If you have a feature to request,
> request it. If you want to whine - shut the hell up. It doesn't do anyone
> any good.

SOme people are whining, ok. I accept that you don't like people whining. But beside of
that, it's their way to express their frustration. It's a possible way. It's better then
saying nothing. And, it's better than just staying silent, dispose the product and really
get an product from a competitor.
So, as long as they are whining, they express a form of interest for Lucent products. So
care about them. They are the customers. They pay the salaries of the engineers
indirectly. And, Megazone, some time ago it was your salary too ;-)

These were my 2 DM...


best regards,

Frank M. Heinzius              MMS Communication AG            Eiffestrasse 598              20537 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 211105-0         Fax: +49 40 210 32 210
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