Re: (PM) PM Console & IRX

John Nowack (
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 21:15:48 -0500

>If you're just looking for installation, you can set up a tftp server and
>tftp get the comos from the command line. You can also use the command
Are you saying now that I can tftp a image other than GENERIC.PM3? That
would be useful.

>There is a lot to be said for simple tools. Amber is not one of them. But
>the command line utilities referenced above are/will be. We will continue
But they are still java-based and require a network host with a CPU to use.
I use the pminstall utility when I am at a remote POP that has a ASCII
terminal plugged into the console port of a cisco router (this is the way
most of my remote POPs are set up) or a laptop running a terminal program.
No messing with network parameters, or forgetting that I loaned my 10bT
PCMCIA card and only have the thinnet one today (I have some POPs with
coax and some twisted pair).

>never do another curses product, in 4 years I remember 3 people telling me
>they used the old one, and it's not clear that that number would change
>over the next 4.
That's unfortunate. I never really used pmconsole for configuration,
the command line is easier. The same will probably go for Amber. That
is a nice monitoring tool, but for configuration the command line is
easier. Pminstall and pmcommand, now that's a different story and get
used here quite a bit.

>As I believe we've been doing, we will certainly continue to request and
>consider customer input w/r/t management. As I've pointed out here many
Here is a request. I really don't care about the rest of the package (like
I said, command line is the easiest way to configure), but the utility
programs get used a lot here.


John Nowack
DPConsultants, Inc.
Sys Admin --
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