Re: (PM) PM3 and Firewalls

Josh Richards (
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 18:24:53 -0700 (PDT)

On 4 Jun 1998, Patric Sandelin wrote:

> Hi!
> We have couple of customers that have ISDN and in the machine(Sun) that
> have the ISDN card they also have a firewall.
> So theire ISDN IF have to be up all the time or else the machine will
> crash every time the ISDN goes down.

Why? Something else is seriously wrong here.. Either with the config on
the Sun or with their firewall software. A box should not die just
because a link interface goes down.

> So we have to set it up with a virtual net between us and them, so I
> wonder which is the correct way to set it up?
> Anyone else who have done it?
> --| Firewall/Sun |-----ISDN-----| PM3 |--
> --| 194.52.72.* |--172.16.2.*--| 194.52.70.* |--

Why would this change the behavior of the box crashing? I guess we're
going to need a little better description of what exactly the problem is
you are trying to solve before we can answer you. I'm not quite sure why
you are using a private network? Perhaps as part of the firewall
configuration, but I still do not understand what this has to do with
preventing it from crashing.


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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