Re: (PM) USR Sportster --> PM3

Josh Richards (
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 18:20:07 -0700 (PDT)

On 4 Jun 1998, Stephen Henry wrote:

> I've checked the archives and found questions but no answers on this.
> Perhaps someone could share their positive experience.
> I have a client with a USR Sportster internal 33.6 modem. It will connect
> to other sites but not to my PM3. The other sites appear to be all analog
> modems.

What ComOS? Not connecting is a bit vague, unfortunately. Does it fail
to complete handshake? Does it connect and immediately disconnect? Have
you tried ",,," after the phone number? Etc.?


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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