Re: (PM) Stuck Modems on PM2E

John W Baxter (
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 17:24:20 -0700

At 17:01 -0400 6/4/98, Adam Snodgrass wrote:
>I am curious if anyone has a way to force a modem to reset from the command
>prompt of the PM2E. Occasionally, one of the modems connected to one of my
>PM2E's will hang, and the Portmaster will show it stuck on 'USERNAME'. The
>modem seems to hold DCD high, and will not respond to a port reset. I end
>up having to go to the site and toggle the power on the modem bank, which is
>inconvenient to say the least. The modem banks are USR MP-16's. Any help
>you can provide will be most appreciated.

Several others have echoed our experience: power cycle.

Your remote site has a UPS, right?

You carefully selected a manageable UPS.

Attach it to a port on your PortMaster (or IRX, which is a little "closer"
to you), and tell it to shutdown (carefully...ours can be told to shut down
and stay that way, or shutdown and power back up in a minute or so..."stay
that way" is the wrong way to avoid driving <so far, that last bit of
knowledge is only a thought experiment> ).

Ideally, you can do that individually for each separate box at your site.
And only you can (that's the scarey part).

As a side benefit, depending on the UPS, you may be able to get a periodic
temperature readout letting you know roughly how the site is doing for
ambient temperature.


John Baxter      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish,
and you get rid of him for the weekend.
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