Re: (PM) Async connection using 56K DDS

Dick St.Peters (
Wed, 27 May 1998 21:32:05 -0400

> I've been given the task of setting up a low bandwidth WAN using
> portmaster products. Because the agency that we are serving is spread out
> over several central offices, the use of Centrex (we're in NYC
> Bell-Atlantic territory) is not an option for some of the locations. In
> those remote locations, we are going to have dedicated 56K DDS installed.
> To keep things simple, I want to have these remote locations "dial" into
> the portmaster and establish network links on a subnet, the way I have it
> set up using modems and isdn at my other locations. I figure that I can
> use a CSU/DSU with an async port (such as an Adtran DSU5600) to do this.
> I have never worked with an async CSU/DSU. Does it work like a regular
> modem? How do you initiate a communication to the portmaster to establish
> a link?

You won't be "dialing"; the link will be up continuously. By telling
the port it's hardwired, as soon as it sees carrier it starts setting
up PPP with the other end.

I have such a link (using Adtran 5600s) between one of my PMs and a
cisco at a local bank. The PM config:

hfpm1> sh s28
----------------------- Current Status - Port S28 ---------------------------
Input: 2300056030 Parity Errors: 0
Output: 3041607055 Framing Errors: 43777
Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 17
Modem Status: DCD+ CTS+

Active Configuration Default Configuration
-------------------- ---------------------
Port Type: Netwrk Netwrk (Hardwired)
Baud Rates: 57600 57600,57600,57600
Flow Control: RTS/CTS RTS/CTS
Modem Control: on on

Remote Host:
Local Address:
Interface: ptp28 (PPP,Quiet) (PPP,Quiet)
Mtu: 1500 1500
Async Map: L:00000000 R:000a0000 00000000
Dial Group: 0

Forget the dial group part - that's from some experiment long ago -
there is no location associated with this link.

If that number of framing errors looks big, consider this:

hfpm1> ver
Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.5
System uptime is 398 days 10 hours 33 minutes

If you access, you'll traverse this link.

Dick St.Peters, 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1-800-910-6671 (voice)
	  Oldest Internet service based in the 518 area code
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