Re: (PM) MAC 56K Global Village
Tue, 26 May 1998 22:45:04 -0400

The release notes for ComOS 3.7.1AP.5 released forPortMaster OR-U-AP say:

"Additional call offering" is now supported if provided by the Telco.
If both B channels are in use when an inbound call comes in, the Office
Router will terminate one of the data channels and allow the voice call to
go through and ring the phone plugged into the POTS port."

I swear I've searched EVERYWHERE on HOW to do this. I've also
futzed around with the latest pmconsole to see if I can find an
obvious option to activate this. I tried setting "Line Hangup" to
enabled for the ports (one and both), but I still get a busy
signal when I dialin and both channels are in use. I can call into
my POTS jack phone and make it ring when one channel is free, but
if they're both busy, I get a busy signal.

Bell Canada says they allow POTS in and outgoing calls, and for
routers to drop data calls to shunt in a POTS call. I know friends
that have other brands of ISDN modems doing this.

(My channels are both busy because once the high-water-mark is passed, even
with an idle time of 15s on the channels and the location, all my
'idle' ssh sessions to various servers I stay logged into have tiny
little half-dozen-odd-bytes/minute 'keepalives' that keep the channels
from being completely idle. While I think the Ascend p50's scheme of
flat, linear, quadratic load averages and lots of scary math to
determine when an extra channel should go up or come down is overkill,
something a little nicer than a full buffer vs a completely idle line
would be nice to base channel usage on when using an office router...)


Ken Chase, Velocet Communications Inc.      Toronto CANADA
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  hearts of men -- Microsoft Wallet."                           - Dave Gilbert
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