Re: (PM) MAC 56K Global Village

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Tue, 26 May 1998 21:32:26 -0600

Jonathan Rosenson uttered...

>Anyone have any tricks to get a 33.6 Global Village on a MAC to connect to
>the PM3? I haven't come across too many users having problems with this
>modem, however, this particular customer has the updated firmware and can
>connect to our cisco 5200 units at another location just fine. Our PM3s
>are running ComOS 3.7.2c3.
>He is running a Power Computing mac clone with OS 8, FreePPP 2.6.2 (also
>tried OT/PPP 1.0 - no improvement) with a Global Village Teleport Platinum
>1.513 modem.
>The customer says his slow connect speeds: "...typically takes the
>form of unresponsive DNS and very slow POP transfer rates. When it does
>transfer, it is in spurts, often 5-30 seconds apart."
>He is connecting at 19200 normally, but gets 31200 on the cisco units.

Hi Jon, unfortuatley the only real solution here is to purchase a good
modem. GV are and always have been junk! There is no biased here, Mac's
are my weapon of choice, but the GV Modem is just bad. Some people have
had good luck, but they are 99.9% problematic. If your user bitches and
screams enough, he should be able to get a complete refund on his/her
modem, I have been sucessful in 3 such cases of demanding that the modem
price be refunded (no matter how old)


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