(PM) IRX gradual fadeout

Austin L. Gosling (agosling@ionet.com.ec)
Tue, 26 May 1998 21:25:43 -0500

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I've reported this to Livingston, but I'll send the message here on the
off change that someone is working late and can help me.

We've installed an IRX 211 for a major customer (a bank), which has been
working just fine for 2-3 months. All of a sudden, we get it dropping
the V.35 link to our ISP. I ping it from outside, and the response time
gradually increases up to about 4-5 seconds, after which the IRX drops
the connection.

Now, the bank's ISP says its our IRX. I'm not completely sure, but I
want to rule out the possibility. Say our ISP's router is ISP, and our
IRX address is IRX, and a server on the perimiter network has address

I'm doing all this from another ISP, from Quito, Ecuador up to Miami,
and back to Ecuador, on the phone with people at the bank (where the IRX
is) and at the ISP.

I ping IRX (from outside), watching the response creep up to 5-6 s.
The IRX then drops the S1 connection (64k, V.35, PPP)
Simultaneously pinging ISP shows no degradation of response
Simultaneously pinging BAST shows no degradation.
After dropping out, the IRX picks up the connection again after 5-10
No change in the extclk is seen on the S1 interface.
When the IRX loses the connection, ISP does not respond to pings
I've done this with the ISP monitoring his router, and he swears
there is no degradation between him and IRX.

Now, I'd like to suspect the ISP, because his router drops out at the
same time the IRX does. What bothers me about this is the gradual
increase in response time from the IRX, but not from BAST. Our ISP says
he's seen this problem with IRX's before and the solution is to change
routers, but that sounds like b___s___ to me. I mean there are thousands
of IRX's out there working, right?

We've reinstalled ComOS 3.7.2R (it was in there before, also), with no

Has anyone seen anything like this?

I'll apreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

Austin L. Gosling

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