Re: (PM) MAC 56K Global Village

NOT a LE employee (
Tue, 26 May 1998 15:53:13 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 26 May 1998, Jonathan Rosenson wrote:

> Anyone have any tricks to get a 33.6 Global Village on a MAC to connect to
> the PM3? I haven't come across too many users having problems with this
> modem, however, this particular customer has the updated firmware and can
> connect to our cisco 5200 units at another location just fine. Our PM3s
> are running ComOS 3.7.2c3.
> He is running a Power Computing mac clone with OS 8, FreePPP 2.6.2 (also
> tried OT/PPP 1.0 - no improvement) with a Global Village Teleport Platinum
> 1.513 modem.
> The customer says his slow connect speeds: "...typically takes the
> form of unresponsive DNS and very slow POP transfer rates. When it does
> transfer, it is in spurts, often 5-30 seconds apart."
> He is connecting at 19200 normally, but gets 31200 on the cisco units.

use the comma finagle...

anywhere from 1 to 6 commas after the phone number

it's probably barfing on the v.8 tone.


Aloha from Paradise,


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