Re: (PM) MAC 56K Global Village

Russ Taylor (
Tue, 26 May 1998 19:42:24 -0700

On 5/26/98 8:32 PM, Mia's Virtual Post Office ( wrote

>Hi Jon, unfortuatley the only real solution here is to purchase a good
>modem. GV are and always have been junk! There is no biased here, Mac's
>are my weapon of choice, but the GV Modem is just bad. Some people have
>had good luck, but they are 99.9% problematic. If your user bitches and
>screams enough, he should be able to get a complete refund on his/her
>modem, I have been sucessful in 3 such cases of demanding that the modem
>price be refunded (no matter how old)

GV Platinums and Golds are incredibly reliable here -- I used a GV II for
a year with at worst a 2% lost carrier rate. I haven't tried their flex
modems, but they've gotten fairly good reviews.

In fact, every GV review I've seen has been favorable -- so I think
calling them "junk" is a bit out of line, that should be reserved for
Boca, Zoltrix, and Sportsters.

Russ Taylor (,
Chambers Multimedia Connection Help Desk
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