Re: (PM) Whining on this list.

Ed Seiler (
Tue, 26 May 1998 17:08:49 -0700

I have no problem with someone selling Livingston/Lucent equipment
on the list. In fact I bought a PM3 from someone on the list at a lot better
price than Livingston (at the time) sold it for or the local retail yokel
LE put me in touch with.

I'd kind of like to know what the going price is for new and used PM3's
every now an then.

A "portmaster-sales" list would be nice also.

Personally I ignore any whining.

RCIA <<Relatively Cheap Internet Access>>
Redmond, WA

-----Original Message-----

>Personally it doesn't bother me as I just hit 'd' to delete. but it does
>become time consuming and there are specific lists for such
>for-sale/wanted items for ISPs.
>> the only way, to reach a group with common interests (ie: PM or even just
>> ISPs) and so one will take that advantage. The 'no for sales' rule was
>> made traditionally by a bunch of long hairs who saw the 'net in those
>> as a place where evil business types could be kept out. Hey, times
>That's why there are lists for isps for for-sale/wanted items... Keeping
>us techies happy ;) well to admit I'm on both those other lists also to
>track what is priced and see what is being dumped... can't say I see very
>many PM3s though 8( guess people in general don't want to get rid of
>> When I started out I had some pretty dumb questions. I got lots of flack
>> from assholes who thought they were smart. I got help from a few people
>> (you know who you are) who took the time to show me how to do it AND
>> to find it, knowing that RTFM and MAN and archive searches can be
>> places to the newbie.
>8) you mean it's easier to find out about this e-mail list, subscribe to
>it, then post a question, than to go to the website and follow links?
>man, I'm getting argumentative over nothing...
>> We can bitch and whine till the proverbial cows come home but it's the
>> help, sharing and ASKING that makes it work.
>Agreed on this! which is why I assist when I can.
>I just feel badly being put into a position of 'whinery' ;) well actually,
>I'm just stirring up the pot, since the original poster seemed to want
>some 'action'...
>What I want to see is a FAQ made from this list!!!
>Me and a few others started various incarnations... however things are
>relegated to the back-burner when other projects come up...
>anyway, realize this is one day of pure unadulterated blather from me...
>anyone remember Paul Farber from Inet-access?
>*back to normal programming*
>Aloha from Paradise,
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