Re: (PM) PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 23 May 1998 20:21:37 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time shaped the electrons to say...
>What types of equipment (okay, Lucent equipment) do you recommend for
>dedicated 56K, 128K, 256K, 512K, and T1's (client and ISP side)?

Customer prem: Up to 384K - OR-LS. Up to t1/E1 - OR-HS

You can use the same at the central site if you want to dedicate the unit
to that customer. Or you can use an IRX product that best matches the
ports and speeds you need. And, if you have a PM-3 with a slot open, you
can always use the T1 WAN card and not need another chassis.

The ORs won't cut it for a few cases:
1. You need BGP. Only the IRX, PM-3, and PM-4 do BGP.
2. You have HUGE routing tables which will not fit in 1MB of RAM. The OR
is a fixed RAM design. The other designs can go to at least 16MB, some more.

But they work for nearly all situations, few customers use BGP and few
have tables that huge.


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