RE: (PM) Timeouts (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 22 May 1998 16:20:27 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Michael Phillips shaped the electrons to say...
>|O|I forget, is this 3.7.2?
>Yes, it sure is......


>pm1> sh sess

Doesn't looke like any of the users are idle currently.
>|O|If you do 'radiusd -x' do you see the server sending the idle
>|O|timer setting
>|O|back to the PM?
>[root@creek /etc]# ./radiusd -x
>Fri May 22 18:04:24 1998: [1326] ./radiusd: Livingston RADIUS 2.0.1 97/5/22
>Fri May 22 18:04:24 1998: [1326] using udp port 1645 for RADIUS
>Fri May 22 18:04:24 1998: [1326] auth bind error Address already in use

You have to kill the running server, then restart in -x (debug) mode.

Then wait for a user to log in. You'll then see the NAS-RADIUS exchange.


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