Re: (PM) Diamond Supra Shotgun Technology (fwd)

G. Turner (
Fri, 22 May 1998 16:24:54 -0700

The real thing to look at here is does x NAS support analog multilink ppp?
It looks like Ascend, Cisco and Livingston do. (Someone correct me if I'm
wrong.) I wonder if it also works on the TCH (NetServer or ARC)...

At 01:45 PM 4/15/98 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Kevin A. Smith shaped the electrons to say...
>>In their latest press release Diamond states that they have successfully
>>tested with the Cisco AS5X00 systems too....I think your rant is a little
>>out of date ;-)
>See their site. MP works with the AS5x00, and PM-3 for that matter.
>Still no BACP, still using MP+ for DBA.
>Sure, you can do MP with any unit that does MP - I said on the list
>that I expected that would work - but my read of the info on their
>site is that all of the bells and whistles they talk about in relation
>to DBA is still tied into MP+.
>I'd be happy to be wrong.
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