Re: (PM) (PM3) Lagg!!!! -- HELP ASAP TIA

Josh Richards (
Sat, 16 May 1998 01:48:41 -0700 (PDT)

On 15 May 1998, System Operator wrote:

> We have 3 pm3's that are running ComOS 3.8.b15 and all seems ok, but
> there is a serious amount of lagg. All settings are correct and the T1
> according to GTE is clear. But it still exists, we have had Lucington
> and other companies testing and checking, but all is clean. This
> happens on all our areas and with no reasons. If anyone has any
> suggestions or requests of things for us to try please reply! This is a
> major problem and is unexplainable. BTW ping times normally seem down
> in the 160's or 130's but when the lagg starts wham!!! we are talking
> 900+ with no reasons, the person can be idle and we ping them and it
> still is like this....

Sounds like modem retrains/renegotiations. Back down to 3.8b13 and see if
things improve (they should). If not go back to a non-beta release
(3.7.2c3). There are several known issues in the 3.8b15 that are being
tweaked for the next Open Beta build. Also, you did not mention what
types of connections these are (i.e. K56Flex/V.90, V.34, etc.)?

Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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