(PM) Real time port display hack

Stefan Hudson (hudson@mbay.net)
Fri, 15 May 1998 14:39:20 -0700

Here's a quick hack that displays the status of all ports in real time.
Not too useful for practical purposes, but it makes an interesting
display and is something neat to look a when you're putting off other

Input is from the Portmaster syslog output. It depends on the log file
being old enough to have a connection record for every port currently
in use; otherwise, ports will show up as empty that actually have a user
on them. Also note that syslog information is unreliable, so the displayed
port status may not match actual port status for various reasons. That
said, I have found it to be completely accurate whenever I checked it.

Two output modes are availabe... a short form with the following display:
mty0 ******-**-*********-***X***********************X
mty1 *******************-***X******-****************X
mty2 *******************--**X*********************--X

The portmaster name is on the left; * is a port in use, - is an empty
port, and X is a non-existant port (we use PRI).

"Full mode" generates a display as follows:
mty0 |drakwil |peggyg |garym |bifla |kevinf |cstudio | |mshp3
|beanbag | |bhre2 |alikatz |taurusrx|dli4 |hlebasko|jackson
|buttsmtr|mryerson|dli18 |clump |screamer|jdwachs |tuflhnd |--------
|dth |doc |jazzed |rgray |kvillars|speck |marikou |patricia
|wyvern |hebard |miner |bestloan|boris |djanakes|jenvic |rsb
|dgiannak|adina |thea |hadoken |dhoover |damien |rotary |--------
mty1 |dmyoung |chip |kristin |ambag |dli15 |richeson|number1 |candrews
|penrods |metals |carmelif|rose |wss |jgl |bdormody|mmeyer
|go |jt148 |pghs49 |taren |nickell |bertsch |rdmorgan|--------
|brooks |fw |erik |jhwarch |lonewolf|meharry |wsmpg |bhre7
|hoped |vgl |mpeppler|sycamore|briggs |retread |slipper |jremynse
|esalen | |mfs |harvey | |apmf |edward |--------

Portmaster name is on the left, a blank space is an empty port, and a
"--------" is a non-existant port. This mode requires an 80 column screen,
and 6 lines per PM (an xterm with a small font works nicely for this).

There are a number of things that could be added; if there is enough demand,
I'll work on it some more.

This is highly biased toward a PM3 on a T1... the number of ports displayed
is currently fixed. If there is enough demand, this could be fixed.

---- Cut Here ----
# disports.pl version 0.1 - Copyright 1998 Stefan Hudson <hudson@mbay.net>
# Distrubition unlimited, but please give credit where due.

# Fullmode shows the usernames. Otherwise, it just shows the status of
# each port (and saves a lot of screen space )

# Comment out this line if you use CT1
$NOPORT[23]=1; $NOPORT[47]=1;

# Regex to match Portmasters to display
$PMLIST= '.';

# Enter the path to the syslog file containing Portmaster output.
$LOGFILE = "/var/log/modems";

# change the path to tput if necessary...
$thome = `/usr/bin/tput home`;
$tclear = `/usr/bin/tput clear`;

# You shouldn't need to modify anything below...
open(LOG, $LOGFILE) || die("Error opening $LOGFILE: $!\n");

printf("Reading history...\n");

while(1) {

if(eof(LOG)) {
if(!$print) {
print $tclear;
sleep 1;
} else {
if(/^\w\w\w \d+ (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (\S+) \w+: port S(\d+) (.+)/) {
$time=$1; $pm=$2; $port=$3; $str=$4;

next if($pm !~ $PMLIST);

if($str=~/^(\w+)\.?\w* succeeded dest/) {
next if($1 eq "PPP");
next if($1 eq "connection");
} elsif($str=~/terminated/) {
next if(!$ports{$pm}[$port]);
} else {
&printports($pm, $port) if($print);

sub printports {
local($pm, $port)=@_;
print $thome;
print ("$time\n");

foreach(sort(keys(%ports))) {
if(!$pm || $pm eq $cpm ) {
foreach(0..47) {
if($_/8 == int($_/8)) {
if($_==0) {
printf("%-8s", $cpm);
} else {
printf("\n ");
if($NOPORT[$_]) {
} else {
printf("|%-8s", $ports{$cpm}[$_]);
} else {
} else {
printf("%-8s", $cpm);
if(!$pm || $pm eq $cpm ) {
foreach(0..47) {
if($NOPORT[$_]) {
} else {

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     /// Stefan Hudson <hudson@mbay.net>  
__  /// Senior Network Administrator - Monterey Bay Internet
\\\/// http://www.mbay.net/  -  Email: info@mbay.net
 \XX/ Voice: 408-642-6100  Fax: 408-642-6101  Modem: 408-642-6102
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