(PM) Replacing modem cards in a pm3

Fri, 15 May 1998 17:04:33 -0400 (EDT)

[ ComOS 3.8b15, 2 PRI, 4MB, dms100 in case it matters. ]

I believe we've found a method to replace a modem card that
eliminates customer interruptions in a multi-pm3 hunt group.
Unfortunately, the combination of pm3's and our dms100 switch will
*not* rotor to the PRI on the next pm3 if there is no modem available.
Since this results in a busy signal (until one of the earlier slots
becomes available), we try to avoid it like the plague. [ Apparently,
our arrangement is unusual as I'm told other switches and pm3's can
conspire to rotor over empty PRI slots without the attendant busy
signals. ]

In any event, we've discovered a clumsy workaround that allows
replacing a modem card without user downtime and without busy signals.

Here's what we do:
o Add a 6th 10-modem card to the pm3 and wait for it self-test
o Set lastcall on all modems on the bad card
o Wait for the users on the bad card to finish
o Remove the bad card.

When the replacement card is available (this will get tested on Monday):
o Add the replacement card in the empty slot and wait for it self-test
o Set lastcall on all modems on the 6th card
o Wait for users to finish
o Remove the 6th card and return to the spares cabinet.

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