Re: (PM) Signal "busy" but enough lines!?

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Mon, 11 May 1998 21:21:22 -0600

Robert Boyle uttered...

>At 03:48 PM 5/11/98 +0200, you wrote:
>>On Mon, 11 May 1998, Thomas Kinnen wrote:
>>> On Mon, 11 May 1998, Xavier Mertens wrote:
>>> > The problem is that some modem users receive a busy signal when dialing
>>> > the cascade but I'm 100% sure that we still have free channels
>>> > (I asked my telco op. to check and we never go over 80% of used lines)
>>> > What can be the problem? Some defect modem cards? Telco bottleneck? ...
>>I have noticed that if you have a pm3 that isn't fully loaded with
>>modemcards the calls wont get routed to the next PRI in the cascade.
>>Instead you will receive a busy tone.
>>We therefore are forced to make shure that the pm3 that isn't fully
>>equipped with modems is last in the chain.
>>In an mixed ISDN/analog setup this results in ineficcient usage of the
>>modem-cards, preferably you would like to have a pure ISDN pm3 first in
>>the chain and let it svallow all the ISDN-calls.
>This is because the PM3 sends a call rejection message that is different
>than what your telco needs to roll over to the next line. There doesn't
>seem to be any standard between TelCos or sometimes even between switches
>in the same TelCo. Lucent REALLY needs to add configuration parameters that
>will allow the call reject message(s) to be configured per PM3 or even
>better per line (for FX circuits) For example:
>Our local TelCo says that they must receive cause code 44 (Network
>Congestion Requested Channel Not Available) to roll over to the next line.
>All other cause codes will be treated as a busy signal and answered with
>the "All circuits are busy" voice message. The PM3 now sends cause code 17
>(User busy) when it is out of modems which results in the all circuits are
>busy message. This is NOT good. :( Anyone else having this same problem?
Well thank God, Im not the only one. We get complaints of "All Circuits
Busy" too.. Usually it is from our customers located in a lata where the
local Telco does not have enough infastructure. But we also get some
complaint from people in our Lata with Ameritech. It would be
interesting to find out if it is the Telco, or the Portmaster?


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