Zoom v1.2 Problems ((PM)FREE ZOOM MODEM)

R Gibbons (rkg@empirenet.com)
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 14:14:37 -0800 (PST)

We received ours several weeks ago as well. I've been seeing
some real problems with the 1.2 firmware. I have several
customers who continually get dropped. They cannot maintain
reliable connection >36K. One user was very torqued has he
was getting dropped 5-6 times an hour. Another user contacted
Zoom. Zoom contacted me and I set them up with a temp account
on our PM3 for diagnostics. Zoom is apparently very aware of
the 1.2 problem. I have not heard anything back. Does anyone
else have info about what the status is on fixing the 1.2

Rich Gibbons
EmpireNet Inc.

On Sat, 28 Feb 1998, Scott Thomas wrote:

> We received ours a few weeks ago. It came with 1.2 firmware, and
> drops the connection sometimes, but attempting to downgrade to 1.02
> causes an error.
> Sigh.

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