Re: Zoom v1.2 Problems ((PM)FREE ZOOM MODEM)

Don Lashier (
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 15:27:39 -0800

The one we received is on loan to a customer. It's not
having any problems that I'm aware of.


On 2/28/98, at 2:14 PM, R Gibbons wrote:

>We received ours several weeks ago as well. I've been seeing
>some real problems with the 1.2 firmware. I have several
>customers who continually get dropped. They cannot maintain
>reliable connection >36K. One user was very torqued has he
>was getting dropped 5-6 times an hour. Another user contacted
>Zoom. Zoom contacted me and I set them up with a temp account
>on our PM3 for diagnostics. Zoom is apparently very aware of
>the 1.2 problem. I have not heard anything back. Does anyone
>else have info about what the status is on fixing the 1.2
>Rich Gibbons
>EmpireNet Inc.
>On Sat, 28 Feb 1998, Scott Thomas wrote:
>> We received ours a few weeks ago. It came with 1.2 firmware, and
>> drops the connection sometimes, but attempting to downgrade to 1.02
>> causes an error.
>> Sigh.
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Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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