Re: (PM) Wet weather woes

Damien T. (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 23:55:48 -0800 (PST)

At 02:08 PM 2/23/98 -0800, you wrote:
> Have you seen a rise in connect problems since the wet weather started
>last month? I'm getting more and more reports of disconnects and slow connect
>rates on my lines. Just wondering if I'm the only one.

Chris -

But of course! We've been opening about 3 trouble tickets per week over the
last 4 weeks I'd guess. We'll notice connect issues on a given line,
connect a buttset and hear just the most wonderful crackle. ISDN also
randomly is affected with the Adtran TotalReach ISDN extenders just
power-cycling over and over again.

On March 16th we'll be moving in to our new office with a fiber entrance
facility and everything will just be sliced off a DS-3. I just wish we
could have moved a month ago <g>!

It's not just you.


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