Re: (PM) RADIUS 2.01 for NT

Thomas Kinnen (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 07:50:17 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, Ken Tweedale wrote:

> Is there a seperate list for RADIUS queries?

> We are using Version 2.01 of RADIUS for NT and when we add
> Called-station-id attribute it is unable to authenticate the user.
> ie - On the RADIUS log it says "unable to parse check........" as shown
> below.

A copy of the user entry would be helpful as the log stops at the bad
entry but the user file would have it. Also have sure you are using:

Called-Station-Id and not Called-station-id like you typed. The values
are case senestive AFAIK.


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