Re: (PM) Mysterious death?

Josh Richards (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 12:51:56 -0800 (PST)

On 22 Feb 1998, <?> wrote:

> In article <> you wrote:
> : I've got 4 PM3s, all on Com OS 3.7.2c3, 2 ISDN, 2 with k56flex (which is
> : showing up all 12 of my x2 racks, by the way) and one of my ISDN PM3s is
> : giving me heartburn.
> : Every once in a while - like every 2-3 weeks - it just dies. Dead. Can't
> : telnet to it, can't ping it, it's not taking calls, nothing. The power is
> : still on, and if you look at the little lights on the back it looks ok.
> We have 3 PM3's and our latest one from 2/98 also have major
> stability problems. The other two boxes are working without any
> problems!
> When it goes down, no ping, no telnet, no call accepting... No
> console messages, NOTHING. Just dead...
> All PM3's run ComOS 3.7.2 (c2 seems to have bad PPP/UUCP performance here
> on some modemtypes, so we have to wait for a new release). But only
> the new one is crashing after some days. Strange...

Please call support to report this. If *anyone* ever experiences this
type of thing, that is what support is for. They need to be made aware of
things, in order to find/fix the problem. If it is a bug, then they will
know to escalate it to engineering. If it is determined to be an RMA
issue, then they can get a new unit to you.


Josh Richards - <> - [Beta Engineer]
LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
(formerly Livingston Enterprises, Inc.)

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