Re: [ Re: (PM) Re: Nationwide Access - Please no Dweebs (fwd)]

Josh Richards (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 00:35:10 -0800 (PST)

On 21 Feb 1998, Jack Rickard wrote:
> As to the mailing list, what you say is true. I do apologize for having
> maligned Mr. Sasek with this blackholing theory. But in truth, I have not
> encountered a mailing list before that dumped non-subscriber messages
> without at least sending a bounce message of some form noting that "your
> little and ugly and your mother dresses you funny and we don't want you in
> our club" message or perhaps more usefully, a message indicating how to
> join. I got NOTHING back at all. The message just went into the swamp. I

That *is* what happens...but it has to *manually* be done. The message
gets bounced to the list owner (myself as of recent since MZ left) and
then I verify it was not in error, and send off a message as to why & how
to subscribe to the user.

If you ARE already a subscriber, the e-mail goes directly through without
any intervention on my or anyone elses part, so any accusations of
"censorship" are certainly unfounded and *I* take personally. If anyone
has a problem or concern with the list _ever_, please e-mail me.

> guess it makes sense. So much spam comes from spoofed addresses these
> days. But I hadn't encountered it. I did join the list a few minutes ago,
> and the message did go through. Again, my PUBLIC and PROFOUNDLY SINCERE
> apologies to Mr. Sasek. I do know better than to lunge at the paranoid
> conclusion, but this was really coincidental looking.

I'm going through the recent majordomo administrative (including bounced
posts) requests as I write this...seeing your e-mail that got bounced I
just (several minutes ago) approved it. Yours was *not* the only one,
there are a good number of similar bounces and other request in my box as
I seem to have volunteered myself for the role of administering several
lists lately... in addition to my regular work. Unfortunately I did not
get to the list Friday night.

Because I saw that since originally submitting your post, you've figured
out how to join the list, I decided to forgo with sending you a
"subscription info" e-mail, figuring that would be slightly redundant and
pointless and just APPROVE'd the e-mail to the list which should arrive
shortly if it has not already.

Also, it is no deep dark secret that sending the command "help" to a
majordomo server will get you just that. If you feel a great need for the
info still, e-mail me.

Jack, if would have been sort of pointless to bounce only your own
personal posts submitted to the portmaster-users lists, while still
allowing Karl's (and everybody elses) through regarding the same subject,
since most of them were quoting your entire e-mail anyway...

Anyhow, I think _this_ portion of the thread can safely left alone now.

That is all.


Josh Richards - <> - [Beta Engineer]
LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
(formerly Livingston Enterprises, Inc.)

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'unsubscribe portmaster-users' in the body of the message.
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