Re: [ Re: (PM)

Roger Marquis (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 20:09:34 -0800 (PST)

Karl Denninger <> wrote:
>Frankly, folks, if you want to trust a guy like this who claims that one
>exception makes a test, and who has failed to report who actually made the
>hardware dialed into (Why is that Jack? Someone doing some ADVERTISING in
>your Rag that might get pissed off perhaps?), and then calls that an
>indictment of a techology... well, you're putting a lot of faith in
>someone who knows *nothing*.
>Not to mention the multiple times that Rickard seems to think that stooping
>to profanity and personal insults is appropriate here.....

Anyone who's had to deal with Mr. Rickard could have told you the
same. Just try to get Boardwatch to stop sending their magazine or
sending email and you'll likely get a (profane) earfull too.

Of course you can't expect professional journalism from the same people
(BOARDWATCH.COM/FSOFT.COM) who got Stanford Wallace (aka spamford)
started. For decent technical reviews try SunExpert,
Telecommunications, or VARBuisiness instead.

Roger Marquis

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