Re: (PM) K56Flex/V.90 on CT1?

Joe Hartley (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 00:25:13 -0500 (EST)

Jake Messinger <> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Joe Hartley wrote:
> > Excellent. Turns out that since the dialup ISDN is non-existent here due
> > to the $2/hr charge Bell hits the customer with, we may as well go CT1
> Which bell? Are you kidding me?

Bell Atlantic. This is actually a holdover from the NYNEX tariff, and
in the state of Rhode Island, they have their customers over a barrel in
many, many ways. Bell Atlantic looks real good in comparison.

For ISDN calls, both residential and commercial, it's 4 cents to make
a data call, and 1.6 cents per minute. Using both channels doubles that,
and a 1 hour 128KB call puts another $2 into BA's pocket. Another way they
get you is that if you don't loop-qual for ISDN (and it's amazing how many
don't in such a small state) due to distance from the CO, they'll offer
to install a repeater for you - for an additional $2,000.

Brooks Fiber is available in limited areas, but for the most part, they're
just using BA's lines anyway, and Bell's been nasty about co-operating.
Another ISP who had a Brooks line providing the T-1 to their backbone provider
was down for quite some time, since for 4.5 hours, Bell insisted it was
Brooks' fault. It actually turned out to be Bell's problem. Not the kind
of fight any of us want to find ourselves in!

Joe Hartley - - brainiac services, inc
PO Box 5069 : Greene, RI : 02827 - vox 401.539.9050 : fax 401.539.2070
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