Re: (PM) Strange things.

Josh Richards (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 12:53:52 -0800 (PST)

On 18 Feb 1998, jason wrote:

> I am new to the Portmaster scene and have been following the recent
> threads. I have a question. We just got a PM3 here with 24 56k digital
> modems. This replaced our USR Sportsters 33.6 modems going thru NT RAS.
> Now I am getting calls from a lot of people complaining that they cannot
> get on. They dial up, the PM3 answers and during the Verifying Username
> and Password phases (99% are windows users using MS Explorer) the PM3
> disconnects them. Now it is only happening to maybe 15% of the users,
> everyone else is getting on ok for the most part. We have also had some
> ppl complain that the speeds have dropped from like 31-34 kbps to down
> to 21-26. Any thoughts?

Make sure things like NetBIOS & IPX are disabled on the dial-in (user's)
side. TCP/IP only, unless you have something else you are doing
that requires dial-up users to have those protocols enabled -- you'd know
if this was the case though.

> PM3 3 8-port K56Flex cards
> ComOS 3.7.2c3
> Chan T1 PRI (it's only using 20 channels at the moment)

Chan T1 *or* PRI? It can't be both. This can make a difference.

> We are also the local TelCo so I'm pretty sure the line stuff is ok, but ya
> never know.

I won't go there... :-)

Josh Richards - <> - [Beta Engineer]
LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
(formerly Livingston Enterprises, Inc.)

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