(PM) Re: (RADIUS) socket still open after telnet connection closed. (fwd)

Gary E. Miller (gem@rellim.com)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 00:09:53 -0800 (PST)

Yo Josh!

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, Josh Richards wrote:

> > > Once upon a time Mark Salerno shaped the electrons to say...
> > > >Here's a strange little quirk we've noticed with our PM3's, using ComOS
> > > >3.7.2c3.
> > >
> > > This has existed since day one AFAIK - I first saw it in 3.1.2
> > > It isn't considered a bug, it is an artifact of the fact that 'console' is
> >
> > Boy, I can sure learn a lot from you MZ! If you can't fix it, feature it!
> You left a bit of his reply out....he was partially (albeit maybe vaguely)
> referring to the fact that if you type "traceroute" without any parameters
> it terminates the previous traceroute command. This is also the reason
> for the command (and the reference in our documentation) to *always* do a
> "reset console" after doing any type of debugging in a console connection.

I am sorry, when I connect to a host with a new user name and password
I do not expect to see the trash left over from the last connect.

> If you set the telnet session to the be the console ("set console") then
> you have to expect it to behave just as if it was the console..
Ooops, I guess YOU did not read his whole message either. No need for
a "set console". This is the "buggy" default behavior.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 2680 Bayshore Pkwy, #202 Mountain View, CA 94043-1009
gem@rellim.com Tel:+1(650)964-1186 Fax:+1(650)964-1176

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