Re: (PM) Some additional news on 3.7.2c3

Netpipeline Administration (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 12:53:50 -0800

I've also seen 50K on mine. Motorola Momdemsurfer dialed out through an
Adtran Express XRT carried over BRI outbound (to test) to PRI inbound
off the same CO/switch. I didn't have a POTS line to test through...

The best I've seen over a POTS line was about 44K. Telco is GTE-CA.

> we are having great success with our pm3's as well...
> when it gets down to telephone infrastructure here as well as modems...
> ummm people are cheap and uswest local loops in general are very poor...
> so, when i am at a good friends of mine with his plug and pray motorola
> and get 44k everytime to an aol ascend tnt and typically 28.8 to 33.6 to
> my pm3s and an occasional 44k to the pm3... it makes me wonder...
> my stuff is provisioned properly... no need to worry there...
> i can get 50k to them easy...

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