(PM) Secodary Radius Server (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 18:15:56 -0800 (PST)

This should be on portmaster-radius, not portmaster-users

Once upon a time Muhammad Waseem shaped the electrons to say...
>I have two Radius server on two separate machine. I want If a user is not
>authenticate by Radius server 1 than its authentication request should be
>forwarded to Radius Server 2.

That is not how RADIUS works - in other words, you cannot do this and SHOULD
NOT BE ABLE TO in any case.

If server 1 responds with a NAK, that's it, case closed. The user is
rejected. The second server is only queried if there first does not
respond - which is how is should be.

You either need to have everyone in both the primary and secondary servers,
or use a server that supports Proxy and give them the ability to proxy
to each other. The NAS will not try both.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 510-527-0944
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