(PM) CT1 extensions?

Dick St.Peters (stpeters@NetHeaven.com)
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 19:08:55 -0500

Anybody know of any reasonably low cost equipment for doing this kind
of extension of a CT1 ?

CT1 --> Box A <-- wire/fiber --> Box B <-- T1 --> PM3

In other words I want to take a CT1 at one place and use a T1 to
carry the phone calls to a PM3 somewhere else.

Why? Imagine a LATA or telco boundary between Box A and Box B.

One of my users has a house that straddles the boundary betweeen two
telcos' territories; he has a phone line from one telco at one end of
his house and a line from a different telco at the other end.

One of my POPs is backed up against a LATA boundary; same telco on
each side, but they can't carry calls across the boundary. They
hinted that I probably can, but I don't know how.

I could of course do this:

CT1 --> PM3 <-- Ethernet --> router <-- T1 --> PM3

with the LATA boundary splitting the Ethernet.

Since the demarks are the T1 jacks, presumably it's legal to do this:

CT1 --> PM3 <-- long cat5 cable ---><-- T1 --> PM3

or this:

CT1 --><-- long cat5 cable ---> PM3 <-- T1 --> PM3

In this last case I'm a long distance telco. When the telco hinted
that I could carry calls across the boundary, they also hinted that
would make me a telco and qualify me for wholesale pricing. Then they
clammed up, like they'd said something they shouldn't have.

Dick St.Peters, stpeters@NetHeaven.com 
Gatekeeper, NetHeaven, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1-800-910-6671 (voice)
	  First Internet service based in the 518 area code
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