Re: ISDN - was:(PM) 2 PM3's, not fully populated. (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 18:18:23 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jake Messinger shaped the electrons to say...
>> remember it being mentioned that you had to have modems in a PM3 before it
>> would do the busy thingy.
>Maybe cuz It returns a DIFFERENT cause code to the fone co?

If you have NO MODEMS in a chassis an a voice signalled call comes it,
it assumes you mean not to accept modem calls - ergo this must be an
ISDN DOSBS call. So it will answer. If you have modems in a chassis
an all modems are busy - since it can't tell ISDN DOSBS and modem calls
apart (both are signalled the same) then it will return busy for BOTH
types of calls.


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