Re: (PM) Win95 Software Compression

Brian Elfert (
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 11:23:30 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 14 Feb 1998, Don Lashier wrote:

> Superstition. I have all my users check the box even tho I don't
> have the stac cards, cause when I get them, I don't want to
> reconfigure everyone. Never had a problem.

You really should have everyone turn off software compression in Windows.

Stac compression won't have any benefit if V.42Bis is turned on in the
modem, and I doubt any of your users have V.42Bis turned off.

I think throughput might actually be reduced if both Stac and V.42Bis are
used, but I don't remember for sure.


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