Re: (PM) Question- Frac PRI

NOT a LE employee (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 05:37:33 -1000 (HST)

On Fri, 13 Feb 1998, Alexi Touloumis wrote:

> >LOL, if so, do NOUGHT complain ;) and here they can't 'backbill' so it's
> >on the date of discovery that they can start billing from.
> Where do you find out all this kind of info about the ILEC? Is there some
> sort of policy sheet or rule guide that is accessible to customers...kind
> of an anti-screw paper? :)

Well, it's happened a couple of times... we switched some lines from an
analog rotary/hunt for dialin to office lines. Since we're on Centrex
they bundled it together, but somehow the billing for our fax line was
dropped. I had to call complaining I couldn't fax long distance, so they
checked the records and found that line though active wasn't listed as
being with any LD company so didn't have the service available. Worried
that I would get back billed she said that due to Public Utility Commision
rules here it could only be from date of discovery...

8) It's nice having a friendly rep with your Telco.... Now if can only get
them to switch me to another switch so I can improve my 56K connects ;)

Aloha from Paradise,


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