Re: (PM) Routing a single IP

Tom Fellenz (
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 14:48:01 -0800


I don't know of any synchronous interface card for "Dialup Networking"
in WIN95.

If you get stuck with having to install a router, probably the most
reliable, you can use a subnet with two hosts for his ethernet.

x.x.x.32/30 - subnet (netmask for all devices =
x.x.x.33 - ether0 of the router
x.x.x.34 - ethernet port of PC
x.x.x.35 - broadcast

Have a peek at the OR-LS, it may appeal to the customer, if he expects
his network to grow.


At 04:03 PM 2/9/98 -0600, Curtis V. Schleich wrote:
>Hello, all! I have a client who wants to pay me to hook up his single home
>computer via a 56K frame relay line. (No ISDN in this corner of GTEland)
>I have two main questions:
>1.) Am I going to have to put a router and a network card in this guy's
>house for a single computer, or has anybody found a card for a PC running
>and the biggie . . .
>2.) Am I going to have to route him an entire subnet, or can I route him a
>single IP from the subnet that the router (PM2ER) is on?
>Thanks for your time!
>Curtis V. Schleich
>System Admin, CCAonline
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Tom Fellenz                                      Lucent Technologies, Inc
Technical Support Staff Engineer              Remote Access Business Unit                 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA
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