Re: (PM) Can't Use Telnet???

Tim Flavin (
Sun, 8 Feb 1998 18:44:03 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, Jeremy Anthony Kinsey wrote:

> Hello, I have the PM Console running and can see my PM2eR, however, upon
> Telneting in , which I do as well at times... I cannont.. It says that
> the host is temporarily unavailable. What is going on? I can get into
> the PM3 via Telnet, but not the PM2... Running ComOS 3.7.2

You are either out of memory, or have too many telnet sessions lingering
around on it. Dialin and do 'sh netconns', if you see a bunch of telnet
sessions when you know there are none active, 'reset nX' X = netconnecton

If that's not it, 'sh mem' and if it's really low, there is your answer.

> Regards,
> Jer
> -
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