Re: (PM) Power filtering / UPS / Generators

Stefan Hudson (
Sun, 8 Feb 1998 16:38:25 -0800

On Sun, Feb 08, 1998 at 03:53:48PM -0800, Jeff Northon wrote:
> Hi,
> Having been hit in the face with El Nino rain and wind caused the
> power to be off here for 9+ hours. We are looking for a solution
> to keep everything up for extended times. We have a New Honda 3500 watt
> electric start generator, but our UPS's, (APC's), are not thrilled
> with the Honda power. What can we do? An AC sine wave filter? Something
> else? We are looking at the Matrix 5000 and the Symmetra Power Array
> by APC. (Don't have a price yet but looks EXPENSIVE). We don't want to
> "over buy" a solution for the 2-3 days a year this kind of thing happens.
> Glad our PM3 uses only 30 or 35 watts!

Heh... I like you you got this thread on topic :)

The best solution is to get an online UPS. Basically, these run the
inverter constantly off of battery power, and the batteries are kept float
charged by a battery charger. It's about the best line protection you can
get, and it shouldn't have any problem being fed by a generator. I
believe Best Power's Unity series are online systems. You're looking
at around $4000 or so for a 3KVA system.
I don't really like APC, and I've been really happy with the BEST stuff
I've used, including some of their higher end systems.

Other than that, you need to figure out why the APC doesn't like the
generator... it will probably either be high or low voltage, or the
frequency is way out of tolerance, although it could be just really noisy
power. If you have a scope, check the generator output and see what
it's doing.

What exactly did the APC do when you plugged it into the generator?
I'm curious because I was considering doing the same thing for the
same reason...

     /// Stefan Hudson <>  
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