(PM) Bipolar and Sync errors

Rick Davidson (rick@buckeyeweb.com)
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 09:45:26 -0500

Following the out of slots thread, I looked at the stats on my lines and
saw the same thing, millions of bipolar errors. I recently upgraded to
3.7.2.c3 and got better connect speeds for the analog modems but at the
same time I started messing with my RADIUS (Livingston RADIUS NT)entries. I
added the NAS-Port-Type = ISDN check item so that I could use the
Port-Limit = 1 for my single channel ISDN customers. Well the entry worked
fine for the duel channel ISDN cutomers but the single channel customers
were rejected across the board until I removed the NAS-Port-Type in their
user entry, does it matter where the Port-Limit reply item is placed in the
entry(its last)? or did we stumble across a bug of some sort with RADIUS or
the new ComOS revision? The NAS-Port-Type = Async check item did not affect
the analog customers except denying thiefs from using ISDN ;-)

I just had Ameriwreck test my PRI's on an unrelated issue and all is well
with the lines (thats what they said anyway) My pm3s we reset before I
changed the RADIUS entries so all counters were 0.

Aside from that everyone is able to dial in with out a problem.

---------------------- line0 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 41876865
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 0
Receive Carrier Loss 37 Multiframe Sync 212953
Loss of Sync 1

sparky> show line1
---------------------- line1 - T1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP Framing: ESF Encoding: B8ZS PCM: u-law

Receive Level: -7.5dB to -15dB

Alarms Violations
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Blue 0 Bipolar 42007935
Yellow 1 CRC Errors 0
Receive Carrier Loss 0 Multiframe Sync 212890
Loss of Sync 1

My Two Cents From Cleveland, Ohio
Rick Davidson
Buckeye Internet services Ltd.
rick@buckeyeweb.com www.buckeyeweb.com
Voice 440.953.1900 Fax 440.953.1050
Director of Intergalactic Affairs and Interspecies Mediation
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