Re: (PM) 56kflex and quake

Jon Rust (
Thu, 5 Feb 98 10:02:19 -0800

On 2/4/98 8:25 PM proclaimed --

>> is happening is when I dial into the pm3 with a 56flex or 33.6 modem
>> and play quake everything seems ok for about 10 minutes.
> We get this too. I have to connect at 28.8 with my motorola 56k to
>play well. After telling other players to do the same, I've heard
>almost no more complaints about this. Half the players have
>Motorola ModemSURFER 56K internals, and connecting at 28.8 fixes them
>every time. The rest are usually fixed, but Jaton Modulator owners
>continue to report problems.
>Even at 28.8, my motorola ping time on the quake server is way better
>than my USR at 33.6 , go figger..

FWIW, Quake rocks on our PM-3, and has since 3.7. Our gamers love it. It
increased the popularity of our Q server so much that we started a
mailing list for it. Een have a couple of ranked players from PGL playing
now. :-)

Maybe we get fewer retrains in my area for whatever reason. Connects are
usually in the 42-46k range with very few if any retrains.

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