Re: (PM) Some additional news on 3.7.2c3

Ian M. Smith (
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 12:29:13 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, MegaZone wrote:
> 3. On PRI we return a busy signal -"user busy"- if say you've done
> last call on a bunch of modems and a modem call comes in. It seems
> the telco won't forward on the busy. We're currently investigated the
> PRI signalling cause code specs to see if there is something else we
> could send which would cause it to skip the channel and roll over. We
> don't know if this will be in the next release, but we are actively
> looking into it.

What does it do on CT1?

And as we are charged per-minute for forward on busy service, is there a
syslog notice or plans to add one that will note when a busy signal was
generated and sent to the telco so we can tell if there is a problem
before getting.. hmm.. 24 hours * 60 minutes * 30 days is 43200 minutes
of service on one phone line.. lots of money even at $0.01 a minute if
there is one problem channel, let alone 100's. :-)

Thanks! And good luck at GTE.

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