(PM) CH-T1 and K56Flex (fwd)

Paul White (pwhite@livingston.com)
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 22:42:35 -0800 (PST)

One last thing I wanted to post to the group before heading
off for the night:

There were a couple of posts I seen earlier regarding
not being able to get a K56Flex connection into a PM3 running
channelized T1.

We currently do not support DNIS digits being sent back to us
in our current released ComOS.

For those of you who do not understand DNIS digits:

When having the "DNIS" option turned on in the telco, it has
an option usually from 7 digits to 0 digits being sent back.
What this means are the number of digits the telco will send
back in DTMF format on the DS0 the user is dialing into once
we exept the call. This is how they relay the caller id
information to us via channelized-t1. We currently suggest
0, and will work with 1.

Why this causes a problem:

Once we accept the call, we do a "modem fast-answer." Meaning
without any rings or anything, we immediately pick up the line
and tell the modem to answer the call. While we are answering
the call and sending the V.8bis tone, the telco is sending
us the DTMF digits and not allowing the user to hear our V.8bis
tone. This is why the K56Flex calls never make it.

Hope this information helps!

Paul W.

Paul H. White **** /
pwhite@livingston.com ** ** / Lucent Technologies
(800)458-9966 ** ** /___ Remote Access
Fax: (510)737-2110 ** ** Division
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