(PM) K56Flex Info, Zoom v1.2 info, 3.7.2c3 info (fwd)

Paul White (pwhite@livingston.com)
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 22:41:47 -0800 (PST)

First off, just a quick mention of the Zoom K56Flex
modem code version 1.2 - There seems to be a problem
created in Zoom's v1.2 code release, where 4 out of
5 calls will result in a connection producing lots of
CRC errors, renegotiations, and retrains - usually
dropping the customer within 5 minutes or so of
initial connect. We are currently talking with Zoom
trying to figure out what the problem is. The downside
to this is that Zoom's upgrade software does not allow
you to downgrade a modem. There is a work-around to this
however, and that is to edit the 1.12 image and manually
change its version to something like 1.21, this will
make the software think its newer and upgrade - I do not
recommend you encourage your customers to do this!

I also wanted to bring up some facts about the K56Flex
standard (True for both Lucent and Rockwell chipsets).

First off, I hope I can explain this without going into
too much detail of modem technology. For a full 33600 bps
connection, the 3429 symbol table must be enabled. For
a PCM (K56Flex) connection, the 3429 symbol table must be
disabled. With this, client modems which receive the V.8bis
tone will disable the 3429 symbol table allowing the chance
for a PCM connection. What this does is it sets your max
V.34 fallback speed to 31200 bps. Point being, that if you
try and dial into a PM3 (or any other access server running
server side of K56Flex), and get a 31200 bps bi-directional
connect, chances are you have a clean phone line, however
K56Flex was unable to negotiate. Usually due to the client
modem not having the latest firmware. If the connect is
below 31200 bi-directional, I would guess that a PCM connection
is not possible on the analog line you are using, let alone
a good V.34 connection.

The second thing I would like to bring up is the fact that
K56Flex will not re-negotiate down to V.34 speeds. However It
will retrain to other PCM speeds. I recently saw a
post with a user stateing that after a long period of
idle time, his 48k connection would drop to 24k. This is
not possible - The connection would have hung up after
34k (Maybe he typo'd.)

I will continue to post helpful K56Flex information as it
comes to me that the group may actually benifit from knowing
it. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask - If
I don't know the answer, I have places I can go to get them.
(As long as time allows me to, that is!)

One more thing I will bring up which Megazone plans on
posting an e-mail covering the same things later this

1) The "set Mx lastcall" command has a few issues:

A) Will not work on old V.34 modems
-This will be fixed in an upcoming release.

B) When doing a "set mX on" to take it out of
lastcall mode, it will hang up the user on-line
-This will be fixed in an upcoming release.

C) When modems aren't available, we return cause code
17: User Busy, which the telco does not forward
upon - thus bad news if you down modems on your
first PM3
-This is a known issue, however it is not a "bug."
If you read the Bellcore standard, cause code 17
is to be sent back if the call is unable to be
accepted because of a lack of hardware. We are looking
into a "new feature" which would send a different
cause code back to make the telco forward the call.

2) DOWN modem issue fixed in ComOS 3.7.2c3, not reported in Rnotes

There was one last DOWN issue in ComOS 3.7.2 which is fixed
in ComOS 3.7.2c3. This fix however, did not make it into the
release notes.

I hope the information in this e-mail has been very helpful!
Again, if you have any questions regarding the PM3 and it's
Old V.34 cards, or the New K56Flex cards - Please feel free
to ask me! I will answer as time permits me too!

Paul W.

Paul H. White **** /
pwhite@livingston.com ** ** / Lucent Technologies
(800)458-9966 ** ** /___ Remote Access
Fax: (510)737-2110 ** ** Division
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