Re: Radius Groups as check item [Was Re: (PM) Does Radius 2.01

Per Hedeland (
30 Nov 1997 12:08:01 GMT

Brian Elfert wrote:
>>Can anyone besides Stephen here confirm that this particular bug occurs
>>only with Radius 2.01 in non-forking mode?

Yes, I can (FWIW:-). Of course the bug is still there in forking mode,
but as the leak occurs in the forked child, which exits as soon as the
authentication is completed, it doesn't matter.

Adrian Carter wrote:
>On a sort of similar but different basis, I attempted to use groups as
>DEFAULT Checkitem, however, it did not appear to work. Is it possible to
>use groups on DEFAULT entries, or only on excplicit username entries?

Of course they work on DEFAULT entries, they're pretty pointless on
explicit username ones...

--Per Hedeland
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