Re: (PM) PM2ER30 lockup :-<

Jacob Suter (
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 18:58:09 -0600

> I just had a 3 month old 2ER30 lock up. It has 30 modems attached, and
> altho they (the modems) would answer, they wouldn't talk to the PM. So I
> went to the server attached to the PM, and it couldn't telnet into the PM
> either!

I'd bet it ran out of memory.. do a "show mem"

> As far as I now, the PM was locked up. So I shut it off - turned it back on -
> and the problem was gone.

It could have also been a 'bigping' attack... filter ICMP Type 8 to the
ethernet port of your PMs...

> My question - what happened? I loaded the PM with the latest OS about two weeks
> ago and it hasn't skipped a beat; until now.

This leads me to believe it ran out of ram... Did you experience higher
load than normal today?

> There is some speculation that a disgruntled competitor attempted to bring
> me down with a flood ping.

as I said above, filter icmp echo request...

> Would this lock up my PM? If so.. how do I prevent it??

Filters and what not on your WAN.. If you can, filter ICMP from your
lusers too...

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